
Articles by Nayef Al-Rodhan

Ethics in the Age of AI: Why Transdisciplinary Thinkers Are Key to Balancing Responsibility, Profitability, Safety and Security

March 2025 - Oxford Public Philosophy (OPP)

We Need A TransDisciplinary Coalition To Create Responsible AI – A Symbiotic Realist Framework

February 2025 – Munich Security Conference 


Symbiotic Realism, Geostrategic Near-Parity and The Quest for a Peaceful Global Order

January 2025 - The Montreal Review

Symbiotic Realism: A Transdisciplinary International Relations theory

Symbiotic Realism: A Transdisciplinary International Relations theory (extended version)

November 2024 - Research Outreach

The new space age needs a new politics

November 2024 - IAI news

The Philosophy and Neurochemistry of Hierarchical Power: A Transdisciplinary Analysis

October 2024 - APA

Lunar Geopolitics: The Battle for Three Lunar Domains (The Far side, South Pole & Cislunar Space)

October 2024 - Engelsberg Ideas

Are Most Women Predisposed to Lead More Ethically? Exploring the links between gender, morality and power.

August 2024 - The Globalist

Why architects need philosophy to guide the AI design revolution

July 2024 - BIG THINK

Empathetic AI: Panacea or Ethical Problem?

May 2024 - The Globalist

AI threatens elections and accountable governance

May 2024 - Institute of Art and Ideas

Sentience, Safe AI and The Future of Philosophy: A Transdisciplinary Analysis

February 2024 - Oxford Public Philosophy (OPP)

Letter in The Times: Neurorights and the Ethical, Moral and Societal Implications of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology

February 2024 - The Times

Letter: Don’t underestimate the dangers of space economy

January 2024 - Financial Times

AI must be regulated just like any other technology:

Governance and geostrategic competition matter a great deal in the race to regulate the new leviathan.

December 2023 - Reaction

AI, War and Transdisciplinary Philosophy

November 2023 - Institute of Art and Ideas

My Speech on 31 October, 2023, at The Royal Institute of Philosophy, UK During the Award Ceremony for The Nayef Al-Rodhan International Book Prize in Transdisciplinary Philosophy

October 2023 - Royal Institute of Philosophy

‘How States Think’: The Rationality vs The Emotionality of Foreign Policy

October 2023 - The Montreal Review

Interview - Recently Published Book Spotlight: Sustainable History and Human Dignity

August 2023 - APA Blog

How do we predict which ideas pass the test of time?

August 2023 - The Montreal Review

Transdisciplinary philosophy and public policy

June 2023 - Research Features

Letter: Deadly Danger Of Uncontrolled AI Technology

June 2023 - The Times

What could ‘public philosophy’ do for philosophy today?

June 2023 - Oxford Public Philosophy

Research Features: “The Future of Philosophy is Transdisciplinary”
Commentary on My NeuroTechnoPhilosophy Framework in Research Features May 2023

My New article on "The best books to understand the frontier risks facing humanity in the 21st Century"

May 2023 - Shepherd

Letter: ‘Ethical’ AI Inspections

March 2023 - The Times

Meta-Geopolitics: A holistic approach to geopolitics

March 2023 - Centrum Balticum

Review of “Sustainable History and Human Dignity: A Neurophilosophy of History and the Future of Civilisation” published in Philosophy in Review

February 2023 - Philosophy in Review

Navigating (Living) Philosophy:  An Unconventional Journey—My Ode to Transdisciplinary Philosophy

February 2023 - APA

Preventing the Increased/Uncontrolled Militarisation of Outer Space

February 2023 - GCSP

The critical interplay between cybersecurity and outer-space security

February 2023 - The Security Times

Letter: Tread warily before using avatars as grief counsellors

January 2023 - Financial Times

Letter: Chatbot Columnists

December 2022 - The Times

Maritime Security: Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

December 2022 - GCSP

Statement at UNHQ: Geopolitics, Governance, Security and Sustainability in Outer Space

October 2022 - United Nations

Transdisciplinarity, neuro-techno-philosophy, and the future of philosophy

November 2022 - Metaphilosophy

Lessons from Dr Strangelove: How To Avoid Nuclear War

October 2022 - Modern Diplomacy

Letter: Lab-Dish Brain Cells

October 2022 - The Times

How do we set the moral compass on AI-generated art?

October 2022 - CAPX

The wrongs, harms, and ineffectiveness of torture: A moral evaluation from empirical neuroscience

October 2022 - Journal of Social Philosophy

We must address the glaring gaps in space law

September 2022 - Reaction

The Russia-Ukraine War’s Implications for Global Security: Implications for Geopolitics and Outer Space Security

August 2022 - GCSP

The Race for AI, Quantum Supremacy

August 2022 - Modern Diplomacy

Letter: Brain Chip Implants

August 2022 - The Times

Microchips: why it’s time to start thinking ahead

August 2022 - CAPX

Regulate outer space before it is too late

July 2022 - Modern Diplomacy

Measuring chaos: why the world needs a dignity index

June 2022 - CAPX

How do you make killer robots act ethically?

June 2022 - Reaction

Letter: Following Chile’s lead is a no-brainer

March 2022

Letter: Malign Metaverse

February 2022 - The Times

The Rise of Neurotechnology Calls for a Parallel Focus on Neurorights

May 2021 - Scientific American

A chip in the armour: How semiconductors are disrupting global trade

May 2021 - CAPX

Working from Home: A Neuroscientific Perspective

May 2021 - Areo

Emotions, Politics and Vaccines

March 2021 - EU Observer

Artificial Intelligence: Implications for human dignity and governance

March 2021 - Oxford Political Review

Interview: Living in Space

February 2021 - New Philosopher

Implications of New Space Forces for Sustainable Space and Terrestrial Security

February 2021 - Global Policy

Global navigation satellite systems: a Symbiotic Realist paradigm

February 2021 - The Space Review

What will space security look like in 2021?

January 2021 - The Space Review

Eine Neuro-Philosophie der menschlichen Natur: Emotionaler amoralischer Egoismus und die Fünf Motivatoren des Menschen

January 2021 -

Finding a common ground for international space regulation

January 2021 - The Parliament


3 disruptive frontier risks that could strike by 2040

December 2020 - World Economic Forum

In space, either we all win, or we all lose

October 2020 - The Parliament

Why agile governance should be human-centred governance

September 2020 - World Economic Forum

Covid-19 has shown the world is not prepared for potential bioweapons

September 2020 - CAPX

A Neurophilosophy of Fake News, Disinformation and Digital Citizenship

August 2020 - APA

A Neurophilosophy of Autonomous Weapons and Warfare

August 2020 - APA

A Neurophilosophy of Fear-Induced Pre-emptive Aggression & Pseudo-Altruism

August 2020 - APA

A Neurophilosophy of Divisive Politics, Inequality and Disempowerment

Una neurofilosofía de la política de la división, la desigualdad y el desempoderamiento

August 2020 - OpenMind

Private against public: Is Britain’s move into OneWeb the start of a new space race?

July 2020 - Emerging Europe

A Neurophilosophy of “Sustainable Neurochemical Gratification” and the Meaning of Existence

July 2020 - APA

Seven Substrates for a Symbiotic, Secure and Sustainable Global Future

July 2020 - Cooperative Security Initiative

La neuro-philosophie et le transhumanisme

July 2020 - La-Philo

A Neurophilosophy of Two Technological Game-Changers: Synthetic Biology & Superintelligence

June 2020 - APA

Major Transformative Technologies and the Five Dimensions of Security

June 2020 - Oxford Political Review

COVID-19 and Big Data

June 2020 - Global Policy

A Neurophilosophy of Divisive Politics, Inequality and Disempowerment

June 2020 - APA

A Neurophilosophy of Governance of Artificial Intelligence and Brain-Computer Interface

June 2020 - APA

Cyber security and space security: What are the challenges at the junction of cybersecurity and space security?

May 2020 - The Space Review

Will Coronavirus Prompt Social Media Giants to Address Disinformation?

May 2020 - Aero

A Neurophilosophy of Big Data & Civil Liberties, and the Need for a New Social Contract

May 2020 - APA

Une neuro-philosophie de la compréhension transculturelle mondiale

May 2020 - Les

A Neurophilosophy of Power and Constitutionalism

Una neurofilosofía del poder y el constitucionalismo

May 2020 - OpenMind

Meta-Geopolitics of Pandemics: The Case of Covid-19

May 2020 - Global Policy

A Neurophilosophy of Legitimacy in National and Global Politics

May 2020 - APA

A Neurophilosophical Paradigm for a New Enlightenment

May 2020 - CSS

Why now is the time for universal basic income

April 2020 - The New European

A Neurophilosophy of Power and Constitutionalism

April 2020 - APA

Social Distancing: A Neurophilosophical Perspective

April 2020 - Aero

A Neurophilosophical Paradigm for a New Enlightenment

Un paradigma neurofilosófico para una nueva Ilustración

April 2020 - BBVA

Une neurophilosophie de l'histoire : “L'histoire dans une perspective durable” avec dignité et sans directionnalité

April 2020 - Les

COVID-19 could dramatically change the way we see government

March 2020 - Reaction

A Neurophilosophical paradigm for a new Enlightenment

March 2020 - APA

La neuro-philosophie de la nature humaine : l'égoïsme émotionnel amoral et les cinq sources de motivation du genre humain

February 2020 - Les

Coding Tolerance

January 2020 - DATAFLOQ

In 2020, we need to think of a #UN for the 21st century

December 2019 - EU Reporter

A Neurophilosophy of Conflict, War, and Peace

December 2019 - APA

The Runaway Train of Cognitive Enhancement

December 2019 - Scientific American

Nato and EU: cooperate, not compete, on space security

December 2019 - EU Observer

A Neurophilosophy of Global Trans-Cultural Understanding

Una neurofilosofía del entendimiento transcultural global

November 2019 - OpenMind

“Interview: “Fixing discrimination in algorithms mirrors in many ways the difficulties of eliminating discrimination in any social system”

November 2019 -

An Eye for AI May Leave the Whole World Blind

November 2019 - DATAFLOQ

A Neurophilosophy of Global Trans-​cultural Understanding

October 2019 - ETH Zurich

Facebook vs. democracy: Let’s get serious about disinformation

October 2019 - City A.M.

This is how neurophilosophy informs our understanding of human nature, and global trans-cultural understanding

October 2019 - World Economic Forum

Governing the Global Commons

October 2019 - EU Reporter

A Neurophilosophy of global trans-cultural understanding

September 2019 - APA

The Upcoming Space Race and Weaponization of Space

September 2019 - Independent

The Future of Meta-Geopolitical Competition in Outer Space

July 2019 - ISPI

A Neuro-Philosophy Of Global Order: The Case for Symbiotic Realism, Multi-Sum Security and Just Power

June 2019 - CSS ETH Zurich

Symbiotic Realism, Multi-Sum Security and Just Power

Realismo simbiótico, seguridad de suma múltiple y poder justo

June 2019 - OpenMind

Meta-Geopolitics of Outer Space, National Power and Global Politics

June 2019 - ISPI

A Neuro-Philosophy Of Global Order: The Case for Symbiotic Realism, Multi-Sum Security and Just Power

May 2019 - APA

How understanding the five motivators of humankind will help us to improve the world and ourselves

May 2019 - World Economic Forum

A Neuro-Philosophy of Human Nature: Emotional Amoral Egoism and the Five Motivators of Humankind

Neurofilosofía de la naturaleza humana: egoísmo emocional amoral y los cinco factores motivacionales del ser humano

May 2019 - OpenMind

13 questions: Nayef Al-Rodhan

May 2019 - New Philosopher

A Neuro-Philosophy of Human Nature: Emotional Amoral Egoism and the Five Motivators of Humankind

April 2019 - ETH Zurich

A Neuro-Philosophy of Human Nature: Emotional Amoral Egoism and the Five Motivators of Humankind

April 2019 - APA

Neurophilosophy and Transhumanism

February 2019 - APA

A Neuro-Philosophy of Dignity-Based Governance

October 2018 - APA

Free Will in the Age of Neuromodulation

El libre albedrío en la era de la neuromodulación

October 2018 - OpenMind

A Neuro-Philosophy of History: “Sustainable History”; with Dignity, and without Directionality

September 2018 - ETH Zurich

A Neuro-Philosophy of History: “Sustainable History”; with Dignity, and without Directionality

August 2018 - APA

This is what mind-altering drugs and technology mean for free will

July 2018 - World Economic Forum

Free Will in the Age of Neuromodulation

July 2018 - Philosophy Now

The Interplay between Outer Space Security and Terrestrial Global Security

July 2018 - OXPOL

Sustainable Governance of Future Outer Space Colonies

June 2018 - ETH Zurich

Quantum Computing and the New Space Race

June 2018 - The National Interest

Just Power for a Reformed UN

June 2018 - OXPOL

Artificial Intelligent Agents: Prerequisites for Rights and Dignity

Agentes de Inteligencia Artificial: prerequisitios sobre derechos y dignidad

May 2018 - OpenMind

This is Your Brain on Mars: What Space Travel Does to Our Psychology

May 2018 - ETH Zurich

US Space Policy and Strategic Culture

April 2018 - OXPOL

The “Sustainable History” Thesis: A Guide for Regulating Trans- and Post-Humanism

April 2018 - E-IR

What Will Space Exploration Look Like In The Future? – Analysis

April 2018 - Eurasia Review

Emotional Amoral Egoism and its Implications for Understanding Conflicts

April 2018 - Global Policy

Space traffic control: technological means and governance implications

April 2018 - The Space Review

U.S. Space Policy and Strategic Culture

April 2018 - Journal of International Affairs

Artificial Intelligent Agents: Prerequisites for Rights and Dignity

April 2018 - CSS ETH Zurich

What will space exploration look like in the future?

March 2018 - World Economic Forum

Preventing Future Conflicts in Outer Space

March 2018 - CSS ETH Zurich

Reconciliation Statecraft: 8 Competing Principal Interests

El arte de gobernar de la conciliación: 8 intereses principales contrapuestos

March 2018 - OpenMind

Weaponization and Outer Space Security

March 2018 - Global Policy

Towards A Common European Space Policy: In Pursuit Of Independence And Scientific Progress - Analysis

March 2018 - Eurasia Review

The Seven Capacities of States: a Meta-Geopolitical Framework

March 2018 - Georgetown Journal of International Affairs

Artificial Intelligent Agents: Pre-requisites for rights and dignity

March 2018 - Age of Robots

Just Power for a Reformed UN

March 2018 - Eurasia Review

Emotional Amoral Egoism and its Implications for Understanding Conflicts

February 2018 - E-IR

This is your brain on Mars: what space travel does to our psychology

February 2018 - Prospect

Just Power for a Reformed UN

February 2018 - YaleGlobal Online

Why technological Innovation and increased cooperation regarding space debris are vital

February 2018 - The Space Review

Russia: Space Power And Strategic Culture – Analysis

February 2018 - Eurasia Review

China Aims for the Moon - and Beyond

February 2018 - The Diplomat

Brainprints: Implications for Security and Civil Liberties

February 2018 - The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs

Future of Human Enhancement - What is the future of human enhancement in the Arab World?

February 2018 - World Economic Forum

February 2018 - ETH Zurich

Reconciliation Statecraft: Eight competing principal interests

February 2018 - Global Policy

Reconciliation Statecraft: Eight competing principal interests

October 2017 - Global Affairs Mexico

Interview: Symbiotic Realism and the Emotionality of States

July 2017 - OpenMind

Post-Truth Politics, the Fifth Estate and the Securitization of Fake News

La política de la posverdad, el quinto estado y la segurización de noticias falsas

The 'Ocean Model of Civilization', Sustainable History Theory, and Global Cultural Understanding

El Modelo de civilización oceánico la teoría de la historia sostenible y el entendimiento cultural global

June 2017 - ETH Zurich

Post-Truth Politics, the Fifth Estate and the Securitization of Fake News

June 2017 - Global Policy

Post-Truth Politics, the Fifth Estate and the Securitization of Fake News

June 2017 - ETH Zurich

The 'Ocean Model of Civilization', Sustainable History Theory, and Global Cultural Understanding

June 2017 - OXPOL

The 'Ocean Model of Civilization', Sustainable History Theory, and Global Cultural Understanding

May 2017 - British Academy

The 'Ocean Model of Civilization', Sustainable History Theory, and Global Cultural Understanding

December 2016 - Science

Tomorrow's arsenal: Two authors probe the technologies transforming warfare

November 2016 - OpenMind

Us Versus Them. How Neurophilosophy Explains Our Divided Politics

Nosotros frente a ellos. Cómo explica la neurofilosofía nuestra política dividid

October 2016 - Global Policy

Divisive Politics and the Brain: Primordial Determinism vs. Responsible Egalitarianism

October 2016 - OXPOL

Us versus Them. How neurophilosophy explains our divided politics

October 2016 - ETH Zurich

Us versus Them. How neurophilosophy explains our divided politics

October 2016 - World Economic Forum

Us versus Them. How neurophilosophy explains our divided politics

September 2016 - Los Angeles Review of Books

Moral Enhancement: A Reality Check

Review of 'The Myth of the Moral Brain: The Limits of Moral Enhancement' by Harris Wiseman.

August 2016 - OXPOL

The neuro-philosophy of international relations

Implications for Sustainable Peace and Security.

August 2016 - OpenMind

Neuro-philosophy of International Relations

Neuroscience has had limited disciplinary connectivity to the field of International Relations (IR) and Politics. The field of IR is traditionally understood [...].

August 2016 - OpenMind

La neurofilosofía de las relaciones internacionales

El vínculo disciplinar entre neurociencia y relaciones internacionales y política es limitado. Tradicionalmente, se entendía [...].

June 2016 - Scientific American

La optogenética ilumina la neurociencia terapéutica

Realzada por microchips inalámbricos emergentes, la técnica podría ofrecer nuevas rutas para el tratamiento de enfermedades como el párkinson y la depresión.

June 2016 - ETH Zurich

Neuro-Philosophy of International Relations

Implications for Sustainable Peace and Security.

June 2016 - Scientific American

Organs-on-Chips Allow New Views of Human Biology

June 2016 - Scientific American

Optogenetics Lights Up Therapeutic Neuroscience

June 2016 - World Economic Forum

The computer chip that thinks it's a tiny human liver

June 2016 - World Economic Forum

A brain breakthrough that offers new hope for Parkinson's and Depression

June 2016 – Harvard International Review

Behavioral Profiling and the Biometrics of Intent

Security vs. Orwellian infringement on Civil Liberties.

June 2016 - The Montreal Review

Neuro-Philosophy of International Relations

Implications for Sustainable Peace and Security.

June 2016 - BBVA OpenMind

La selección natural de las ideas: Requisitos e implicaciones en política, filosofía e historia

¿Por qué algunos paradigmas e ideas perduran mientras que otros se quedan obsoletos o se rechazan?

June 2016 - BBVA OpenMind

The Natural Selection of Ideas: Prerequisites and Implications for Politics, Philosophy and History

Why do certain ideas and political paradigms endure while others become obsolete or are rejected?

May 2016 - ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

The Natural Selection of Ideas: Prerequisites and Implications for Politics, Philosophy and History

Why do certain ideas and political paradigms endure while others become obsolete or are rejected?

May 2016 - Global Policy Journal

The Natural Selection of Ideas: Prerequisites and Implications for Politics, Philosophy and History

Why do certain ideas and political paradigms endure while others become obsolete or are rejected?

February, 2016- Global Policy Journal

Neuromorphic Computers: What will they Change?

Computing power that competes with humans.

January, 2016- The Oxford University Politics Blog

Proposal of a Dignity Scale for Sustainable Governance

Why dignity is critical to good governance.

January, 2016- BBVA OpenMind

Propuesta de una escala de dignidad para un gobierno sostenible

La dignidad es fundamental para gobernar bien.

January, 2016- BBVA OpenMind

Proposal of a Dignity Scale for Sustainable Governance

Why dignity is critical to good governance.

December, 2015- ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

Proposal of a Dignity Scale for Sustainable Governance

Why dignity is critical to good governance.

December, 2015- OxPol

Hypersonic Missiles Offer Some Impressive- and Disturbing- Capabilities

Hypersonic missiles offer some impressive- and disturbing- capabilities.

November, 2015- Journal of Public Policy

Proposal of a Dignity Scale for Sustainable Governance

Why dignity is critical to good governance.

November, 2015- ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

Hypersonic Missiles and Global Security

Hypersonic missiles offer some impressive- and disturbing- capabilities.

November, 2015- The Diplomat

Hypersonic Missiles and Global Security

Hypersonic missiles offer some impressive- and disturbing- capabilities.

October, 2015- Geneva Centre for Security Policy

The Tripwire Pivotal Corridor Conflicts

Within the Tripwire Pivotal Corridor (TPC) are several politically unstable regions that have a great importance for global security.

Setiembre, 2015- BBVA OpenMind

Socioneurobiología y perspectivas para nuestro futuro colectivo global

Aunque en los últimos años el estudio del comportamiento social humano ha cobrado impulso, sus aspectos biológicos y evolutivos siguen siendo poco explorada .

September, 2015- BBVA OpenMind

Socio-Neuro-Biology and Prospects for Our Collective Global Future

Although in recent years the study of human social behaviour has gained momentum, its biological and evolutionary aspects remain underexplored.

September, 2015- ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

The Moral Code: How to Teach Robots Right and Wrong

As robots are becoming more autonomous, we must begin to reflect on their capacity for moral reasoning.

August, 2015- ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

The Privatization of Space: When Things Go Wrong

As space explorations begins to depend more heavily on private companies, one must look at how this changes the role that governments play. Read More.

August, 2015- Foreign Affairs

The Moral Code: How to Teach Robots Right and Wrong

As robots are becoming more autonomous, we must begin to reflect on their capacity for moral reasoning.

July, 2015- E- International Relations

Socio-Neuro-Biology and Prospects for Our Collective Global Future

Although in recent years the study of human social behaviour has gained momentum, its biological and evolutionary aspects remain underexplored.

July, 2015- Global Policy Journal

Strategic Culture and Pragmatic National Interest

How the study of strategic culture remains important for understanding and addressing conflicts in an interdependent world.

July, 2015- Global Policy Journal

The "Emotional" Amoral Egoism of States

Why states don't always behave as rationally as we may expect them to.

July, 2015- ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

The "Emotional" Amoral Egoism of States

Why states don't always behave as rationally as we may expect them to.

July, 2015- Georgetown Journal of Foreign Affairs

Brain Gain: The Emerging Security and Ethical Challenges of Cognitive Enhancement

Explores the implications of Cognitive Enhancement .

June, 2015- OXPOL - Politics in Spires

The Emotional Amoral Egoism of States

Why states don't always behave as rationally as we may expect them to.

June, 2015- Wilson Quarterly

Future Wars: Reshaping the Ethics and Norms of War

Technology's forward march will require us to reconsider and even rewrite the rules of war.

June, 2015- Diplomatic Courier

Rationality, Pragmatism, and Palestine

Emotions have long played a central role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

June, 2015- World Economic Forum Blog

What Does Nanotechnology Mean for Geopolitics?

Why nanotech matters for geopolitical competition.

June, 2015- The Montréal Review

The "Emotional" Amoral Egoism of States

Why states don't always behave as rationally as we may expect them to.

May, 2015- ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

Transhumanism and War

Exploring the implications of the development and acquisition of human enhancement technologies for military purposes.

May, 2015- Global Policy Journal

Transhumanism and War

Exploring the implications of the development and acquisition of human enhancement technologies for military purposes.

May, 2015- OXPOL - Politics in Spires

Predisposed Tabula Rasa

Examining previously unexplored links between neurochemistry and public policy.

April, 2015- OpenDemocracy

Symbiotic Realism and Just Power

Four interlocking elements shape the global system : the neurobiological substrates of human nature, global anarchy, instant connectivity and interdependence.

April, 2015- Journal of Public Policy

Predisposed Tabula Rasa

Examining previously unexplored links between neurochemistry and public policy.

April, 2015- Georgetown Journal of International Affairs

Security Implications and Existential Crossroads of Artificial Intelligence

Emerging A.I. technologies must be carefully regulated because of their possible implications for ethics, security, and human existence.

March, 2015- Yale Global

Free-Wheeling Web Commentary Challenges Media's Traditional Power

Blogs continue to wield influence; governments and bloggers could coordinate on regulations to increase the potential.

March, 2015- ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

What are the Ethical Implications of Emerging Tech?

What are the ethical and regulatory challenges faced by crucial emerging technologies like Genetic Engineering and Artificial Intelligence?

March, 2015- Scientific American

The Many Ethical Implications of Emerging Technologies

Brainlike computer chips, smart pharmacology and other advances offer great promise but also raise serious questions that we must deal with now.

March, 2015- World Economic Forum Blog

What are the Ethical Implications of Emerging Tech?

What are the ethical and regulatory challenges faced by crucial emerging technologies like Genetic Engineering and Artificial Intelligence?

February, 2015- ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

The Meta-Geopolitics of Geneva 1815-2015

What geopolitical factors helped transform Geneva into a global economic and diplomatic center?

February, 2015- Global Policy Journal

Quantum Computing and Global Security

What are the implications of Quantum Computing for progress and security?

February, 2015- Open Mind

Gratificación Neuroquímica Sostenible y el Significado de la existencia

¿cuál es el sentido de la vida ?

February, 2015- Open Mind

Sustainable Neurochemical Gratification and the Meaning of Existence

What is the meaning of life, see my new article.

February, 2015- OXPOL - Politics in Spires

Who Are We: Neurochemical Man and Emotional Amoral Egoism

How our neurochemistry influences our Human Nature.

January, 2015- The Montréal Review

Who Are We: Neurochemical Man and Emotional Amoral Egoism

How our neurochemistry influences our Human Nature.

January, 2015- BBVA OpenMind

Education and Global Security

An Educational Program that promotes cultural security and understanding.

January, 2015- BBVA OpenMind

Educación y Seguridad Mundial

Un programa educativo incluyente a nivel mundial que promueve la seguridad y el entendimiento culturales.

January, 2015 - GCSP Editorials

The Ethical and Security Implications of Synthetic Biology and Cognitive Enhancement

Assessing the future impact of crucial emerging technologies.

December, 2014 - E-International Relations

A Proposed Theory of Knowledge: Neuro-Rational Physicalism

Exploring the factors that influence how we acquire knowledge.

December, 2014 - ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

Minimum Criteria for Sustainable Global Governance

Exploring the importance of the eight criteria for sustainable global governance.

November, 2014 - Global Policy

Education and Global Security

We need a globally inclusive educational program that promotes cultural security and understanding.

November, 2014 - World Economic Forum

Will Biology Change What it Means to Be Human?

The latest scientific advances will soon enable us to take charge of evolution itself.

November, 2014 - ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

The Geopolitics of Europe: 1815-2015

Reexamining the last 200 years of the Geopolitics of Europe and why we need to apply a Meta-Geopolitical framework for today.

October, 2014 - E-International Relations

Eight Substrates for a Possible Universal Axiology

Essentialism in one of the biggest threats to inter-cultural understanding.

October, 2014- ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

Emerging Technologies: Security and Regulatory Concerns

New security technologies require urgent oversight.

October, 2014- Foreign Affairs

Design Within Reach

Preparing for the 4-D Printing Revolution.

October, 2014- Georgetown Journal of International Affairs

Programmable Matter: 4D Printing's Promises and Risks

The future of fabrication.

September, 2014- Harvard International Review

The Social Contract 2.0: Big Data and the Need to Guarantee Privacy and Civil Liberties

Why in this age of big data and surveillance, privacy and civil liberties need to be protected more than ever.

September, 2014- Politics in Spires

The Social Contract 2.0: Big Data and the Need to Guarantee Privacy and Civil Liberties

Why in this age of big data and surveillance, privacy and civil liberties need to be protected more than ever.

September, 2014- BBVA OpenMind

El Contrato Social 2.0: Big Data Y La Necesidad De Garantizar La Privacidad Y Las Libertades Civiles

Por qué en esta época de grandes datos y la vigilancia, la privacidad y las libertades civiles deben ser protegidos más que nunca.

September, 2014- BBVA OpenMind

The Social Contract 2.0: Big Data and the Need to Guarantee Privacy and Civil Liberties

Why in this age of big data and surveillance, privacy and civil liberties need to be protected more than ever.

August, 2014- BBVA OpenMind

Reforming Democracy and the Future of History

To spread Democracy, democratic nations must look inward first.

August, 2014- BBVA OpenMind

La Reforma De La Democracia Y El Futuro De La Historia

Difundir la Democracia, las naciones democráticas deben mirar hacia adentro primero.

August, 2014- ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

The Islamic World and the West: Recovering Common History

Europe overlooks long history of good exchanges with Arab-Islamic world and encourages defensive posture.

July, 2014- Yale Global

The Islamic World and the West: Recovering Common History

Europe overlooks long history of good exchanges with Arab-Islamic world and encourages defensive posture.

July, 2014- Global Policy

The Geopolitics of Culture: Five Substrates

Culture has a salient geopolitical relevance in a world that defines itself by much more than diplomatic

exchanges and inter-state relations.

July, 2014- ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

The Geopolitics of Culture: Five Substrates

Culture has a salient geopolitical relevance in a world that defines itself by much more than diplomatic exchanges and inter-state relations.

July, 2014- Politics in Spires

The Geopolitics of Culture: Five Substrates

Culture has a salient geopolitical relevance in a world that defines itself by much more than diplomatic exchanges and inter-state relations.

June, 2014 – Harvard International Review

The Geopolitics of Culture: Five Substrates

Culture has a salient geopolitical relevance in a world that defines itself by much more than diplomatic exchanges and inter-state relations.

June, 2014 - The Globalist

Reforming Democracy and the Future of History

To spread Democracy, democratic nations must look inward first.

June, 2014- ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

Reforming Democracy and the Future of History

To spread Democracy, democratic nations must look inward first.

June, 2014- ISN Blog, ETH Zurich

Geopolitics of Dignity

In order to sustainable plan for the long term, human dignity must be placed at the heart of foreign and security policy.

May, 2014 – E-International Relations

Meta-Geopolitics: the Relevance of Geopolitics in the Digital Age

Geopolitics will always be salient to international relations because immobile geographic structures cannot be overlooked when studying the behavior of states.

May, 2014 - Global Policy

Geopolitics of Dignity

In order to sustainable plan for the long term, human dignity must be placed at the heart of foreign and security policy.

May, 2014- BBVA OpenMind

Geopolítica de la dignidad

Para planificar de manera sostenible a largo plazo, la dignidad humana debe situarse en el centro de la política exterior y de seguridad.

April, 2014 - Global Policy

Synthetic Biology - What to Expect and Fear?
The ability to create new lifeforms is promises both unlimited potential and dangerous pitfalls.

March, 2014 - Global Policy

Rare-earth metals: anticipating the new battle for resources
Natural resources are pivotal in international politics. They create patterns of cooperation, dependencies and alter balances of power.

March, 2014 - Politics in Spires
Cloaks of Invisibility: The latest frontier in military technology
Fiction and reality have meshed to incredible extents in the past decades, and it is no longer a surprise to see sci-fi-inspired inventions used in everyday life.

September, 2013- BBVA OpenMind

El Déficit de Dignidad Alimenta Las Rebeliones de Oriente Medio

¿Están las naciones árabes condenados a seguir siendo rebelde y mal gobernados ? Las razones para el optimismo se pueden encontrar si se analiza lo que desencadenó los disturbios en el primer lugar.

August, 2013- BBVA OpenMind

Conocimiento y Orden Mundial

Tergiversaciones ubicuas y estereotipos alienantes impregnan a través de los discursos de seguridad , fusionando imágenes de una minoría extremista con las actitudes de la mayoría pacífica.

2013, BBVA OpenMind

El Futuro de las Relaciones Internacionales: una Teoría del Realismo Simbiótico

Hans Morgenthau una vez escribió que : "Las relaciones internacionales es algo que no debe darse por sentado , pero algo debe entender y ser cambiado y , más particularmente, a cambiar más allá de los límites actuales de su estructura política y la organización."

The Role of the Arab-Islamic World in the Rise of the West: Implications for Contemporary Trans-Cultural Relations

2012 - Pages 15 to 22, “An Ocean Model of Civilization”

"Sustainable Global Security", in F. Géré and M. Sharpe (Eds.), 'Global Security: A Vision for the Future - Addressing the Challenges and Opportunities for Research in the Information Age' (.pdf) NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics, IOS Press, 2011.

"Lecture on Sustainable History, Human Dignity and Trans-Cultural Synergy", Royal Society, posted 29th June 2011.

"Le déficit de dignité collective et le futur du monde arabe",, April 5, 2011.

Finest Quotes

Interview with Dr. Al-Rodhan, by Norm Goldman,, published July 9, 2010.

 Nayef Al-Rodhan, comment on “Opinion: How history’s first draft got it wrong,” by Michael Goldfarb, GlobalPost, 11 November 2009, posted 3 December 2009.

 “Local Culture and History,” Letters to the International Herald Tribune, International Herald Tribune, November 20, 2009.

 “GCSP Geneva Paper 9, Security Strategies Today: Trends and Perspectives,” GCSP Geneva Papers, November, 2009.

 “Multi-sum Security: Five Distinct Dimensions,” Safeguarding Security in Turbulent Times -  ISN Special Report, May 2009.

 "Proposal for a Security Matrix," Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, December 20, 2006.

 "Proposal for a Stability Matrix," Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, December 20, 2006.

 "Proposal for a Globalization Matrix: Quantifying Impacts and Response," Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, June 19, 2006.

"Definitions of Globalization: A Comprehensive Overview and a Proposed Definition," Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, June 19, 2006.

 "Historical Milestones of Globalization," Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, June 19, 2006.

 "Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 23, Arms Control in a Globalized World," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, December 6, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 22, Changing Health Paradigms, Globalization, and Global Security," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, December 6, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 21, Xenophobia, Media Stereotyping, and Their Role in Global Insecurity," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, December 6, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 20, US Environmental Policy and Global Security," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, December 6, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 19, Proliferation, Non-State Actors, and the Impact on Global Security," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, December 6, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 18, The Non-Proliferation Regime," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, December 6, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 17, Natural Disasters, Globalization, and the Implications for Global Security," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, December 6, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 16, Water, Globalization, and Global Security," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, December 6, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 15, US Hegemony and Globalization," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, December 6, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 14, Is NATO Going Global?," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, September 28, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 13, The United Nations and the Challenges of a Globalized World: Towards a Quantum Leap from Multilateralism to Globalization?," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, September 28, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 12, Potential Outcomes of Migration Flux in a Globalized World and Its Security Implications," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, September 28, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 11, Informal Remittance Flows and Their Implications for Global Security," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, September 28, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 10, Ethics, Civil Liberties, Globalization and Global Security," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, September 28, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 9, Security in the Caspian Sea Region: Challenges and Opportunities in a Globalized World," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, September 28, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 8, Energy Security, Globalization and Global Security," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, September 28, 2006.

"GCSP Policy Brief No. 7, Danish Cartoons: A Symptom of Global Insecurity," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, July 12, 2006.

"GCSP Policy Brief No. 6, Oil, Ports, and Steel: Symptoms of Global Insecurity," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, July 7, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 5, Delivering Regional Security in a Globalizing World: The European Union's Enlargement to Turkey," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, June 22, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 4, Peace Operations: Reflections of, Responses to, and Victims of, Globalization," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, June 22, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 3, Prevention of WMD Proliferation, Globalization, and International Security," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, June 22, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 2, Transcultural Issues, Globalization, and Global Security," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, June 22, 2006.

"Editorial of GCSP Policy Brief No. 1, Information Technology, Terrorism, and Global Security," GCSP Policy Brief Series, Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, June 19, 2006.